Women's Study Group
Dates and times change throughout the year. For more information contact the Parish Office at 701-572-6731
Morning Men's Group
The morning men's group gathers every Wednesday at 5:45 am in O'Neill Hall (coffee is always ready) and dive into a fantastic book chosen by our own priest for discussion.
Contact: Fr. Paul Eberle 701-572-6731
Natural Family Planning
What is Natural Family Planning? Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Couples using NFP to avoid pregnancy abstain from intercourse and genital contact during the fertile phase of the woman's cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy. NFP reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife. (usccb.org)
Contact: Katie Monson 920-851-8287, Claudia Ortiz (Spanish) 307-277-6369
Greeting Card Ministry
This ministry sends cards of sympathy, get well, birthday, and holiday greetings to parishioners.
Funeral Ministry
The members of this group prepare and serve food for funeral receptions and luncheons.
Contact: Arlene Campbell 701-770-5441
Grief Support - “Outreach to Hope”
Every fall and spring, a six-week session is offered for individuals and families who are experiencing a difficult and painful journey through grief after losing a loved one.
Contact: Parish Office 701-572-6731
Magnificat Moms
This peer group has the mission to encourage, nurture, celebrate and minister to mothers. This group meets at the Parish Life Center each month during the school year.
Contact: Priscilla Morris 701-770-4356
Mardi Gras
This committee oversees the annual St. Joseph’s Mardi Gras, a major event in our parish and community. This event is not only a fundraising event for the church and school but also an opportunity for our parish family and community to come together for fellowship and fun.
Contact: Dwight Richter 701-770-3276.
Meals for New Moms
Through this ministry, meals are prepared for and delivered to parish families after the arrival of a new baby.
Contact: Susan Elsbernd 701-226-1843
Pinochle Club
All members of the parish are invited to join the Pinochle Club during the month of September. The playing season starts in October and ends in April. A donation on behalf of the group is given to some worthy cause in the parish.
Contact: Greg & Kim DeLorme 701-774-8442
St. Joseph’s quilters gather every week to work on quilts for many parish events. Some of their quilts are auctioned off at Mardi Gras.
Contact: Lorraine Trouba 701-568-3449; Kathy Brogger 701-859-4341
Raise Right (formerly Scrip)
The scrip program sells gift cards from many local and national stores, which donate a percentage of each scrip sale to our parish.
Contact: Wendy Paryzek 701-774-3744; Janel Sailer 701-572-5317
Welcoming Committee
This committee reaches out to our new members to acquaint them with the church facilities, services, and the many ways in which they can become part of the parish family.
Contact: Kathy Ahmann 701-572-9076